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Fill the Void In Your Mouth with

Partial Dentures in Fort Erie

Partial Dentures: If you have missing teeth but still have healthy natural teeth, our partial dentures are an ideal solution to fill the gaps and restore your confidence.

Type of partial dentures:
1. Cast part 
2. Acrylic partial  
3. Valplast

We offer repairs, rebases, and relines for partial dentures. 

Partial dentures help to prevent your remaining teeth from shifting by filling the gaps left by extractions. They can also help restore your smile and confidence. If you feel like you might be a candidate for partial dentures, Unique Denture Clinic in Fort Erie is committed to helping you. We also provide same-day repairs for existing partial dentures. Call us today to book an appointment.


Partial dentures come in two varieties – tooth-supported and tissue-supported. To determine which one is right for you, we will examine the state of your teeth and assess their position and stability. 

Contact Us Today


Book your consultation with us today

and leave your worries behind. 

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